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I’m an employer

It saves you time and energy so you can get on with more important things.

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eBenefity will bring you into balance


Orders, employee details and invoices can be found directly in the app. Spend your time relaxing.

daňová uznatelnost stravenek

Get the most tax-efficient incentive. Give your employees benefits on a Mastercard payment card that they can easily add to Apple Pay or Google Pay.

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Get the most tax-efficient incentive. Give your employees benefits on a Mastercard payment card that they can easily add to Apple Pay or Google Pay.

How does it work?


Simply upload a list of all employees to Můj Up.


In the 1st envelope, employees will find their application login details and in the 2nd envelope their card.


Everyone can find their PIN in the Můj Up motivational platform. This will also automatically activate the card.


In the app you can manage orders, employee list and check invoices.

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Easy and fast search 

in the partner network

Find out where you can pay with eBenefits. For more accurate search results, use Můj Up.

More advantageous than a salary increase

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Number of employees

Salary bonus (CZK)

Salary bonus eBenefity (in the same amount)
The employer will pay:
The employer will pay: 669 000 CZK 595 000 CZK
The employee gets:
The employee gets: 7 400 CZK 10 000 CZK
The employer will save:
The employer will save: 0 CZK 74 000 CZK
The employee gets extra:
The employee gets extra: 0 CZK 2 600 CZK
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The annual limit for tax-exempt leisure benefits is set at CZK 21,983.50 in 2024.

Want to know more?

Or send us a message


What you are often interested in

How does the Government’s consolidation package affect eBenefits?

We have prepared a clear explanation of the legislative changes resulting from the government’s consolidation package and the impact they will have on catering benefits on Consolidation package and benefits

What legislation applies to the product eBenefity?

These are mainly Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on Income Taxes, as amended, which mainly includes
Section 6(9)(d) sets out the rules for the exemption from tax of non-monetary benefits provided
by an employer to an employee or a member of his family from the cultural and social fund
needs, from a social fund, from after-tax profits (income) or on account of expenses (costs) which
are not expenses (costs) for the attainment, provision and maintenance of income, up to a total of half of the average
wages for the taxable year and in the form of, inter alia, the possibility of using recreational,
medical and educational facilities, physical education and sports facilities, the provision of
recreation or trips, and in the form of a contribution to cultural and sporting events.

What should I do if I have forgotten my account login details in Můj Up?

In the login window, click on ”Forgot your password?”. A new password will be emailed to you. We recommend changing it after you log in.

How can I order an All Inclusive card for my employees?

Write to us to let us know that you are interested in an All Inclusive card for the eBenefity cafeteria. We will be happy to hear from you.

How does the card reach the employee?

Each employee will receive 2 envelopes at your company address. One will contain the card and the other will contain the access data to the Můj Up motivational platform. There, the PIN for the card is collected and the All Inclusive card is activated.

Where can employees pay with the eBenefity card?

The current list of our contractual partners and establishments can be found HERE.

Can employees pay by card online?

Yes, employees can use the card to pay for online purchases securely. They can use the Up Klíč mobile app (available for download in App Store or Google Pay) to confirm the payment, or they can also confirm the payment via SMS.

Want to know more? Download the document.

Introduction of eBenefity | Employer 19. 6. 2024 2 MB Download
General Terms and Conditions 2. 3. 2020 276 KB Download